Make Some Short Term Money and Invest into Piston-Token

Another is to join My Diamond Team to make some short term cash to put into Piston-Token. Remember to get into the Piston-Token presale you need to have 0.5BNB or more to get the whitelisting. You could invest the 0.5BNB and just leave it until the end of March when the resale is expected to happen. The 15% a day will generate between 5th and 30th of March about 0.23BNB (excluding taxes) which turned into BUSD will give you a FREE position in Piston. You can then add to the amount if you wanted. I love FREE money!

But hey, hang on you still that that 0.5 BNB still in My Diamond Team. So now like my previous point you can compound 5 days, and take 2 days profit. This will grow your account to about 24 BNB which is interest of 0.36 BNB a day! Not bad eh?

But hang on even more! If you join my group Team Diamond Hands I will be giving you free airdrops all year, so your balance will be way more and you will have helped some charities on the way! 4.

Last updated