Why did we make MDT V2?

As we have mentioned, there is a bad actor who is deliberately causing problems for the project by forcing many users’ unwithdrawn income totals to be reset to zero. We’d like to explain more about how this is happening, what the true effect of this is, and how we intend to resolve the problem. We really appreciate your patience as we work to fix this. We care very much about this project and about you, our community, and this has been an amazingly trying situation. To be very clear, we will fix this problem. As for this bad actor, we would like to thank him for pushing us to make a better product. As a result of this issue we will be updating to version 2 of My Diamond Team, and any funds he has spent in this effort will have been completely wasted. For a little background, if you have unwithdrawn income ready to be claimed or reinvested, then there are two types of events that can reset it to zero: 1. Making a deposit. 2. Receiving an airdrop. This is an issue that has been found in multiple protocols and is currently present in My Diamond Team V1. If your unwithdrawn income is reset to zero, does that mean you lost money? Actually, no. The most important number here is the Max Payout, and that doesn’t change when this happens. For example, if your max payout was $2011.14, and your unwithdrawn income was $40.15, and you received an airdrop, then… 1. Your unwithdrawn income would reset to $0. 2. Your max payout would still be $2011.14 What this issue has cost is time and availability of funds, which can be a big problem in itself, but nothing was really taken. Why is this a particular issue now? This bad actor is deliberately airdropping users $0. Even though the amount is $0, it still has the effect of resetting the unwithdrawn balance. Why is he doing this? He wants us to pay him money to make him stop. What is the solution? To start with, the solution does not include spending the money you have put into this project to pay an extortionist. As mentioned above, to solve this problem we will be creating version 2 of My Diamond Team within the next two days. We are committed to making sure that everyone’s funds are safe and that they can be free of this inconvenience as soon as possible. How is this going to work? This is not an ideal situation, but we have worked out a plan to take care of the community as a whole as much as possible. First, deposits into v1 have been halted. Users will be directed to v2 when it is ready. By the way the contract is written, we can adjust some parameters of the protocol, but it’s not an option to simply migrate the funds from v1 to v2. 1) The only way to withdraw money from the protocol is through the claim button at the rate of 1.5% a day. 2) The way to move to v2 is to take that claimed BNB and deposit it in the new v2 My Diamond Team app. If everybody withdraws every day, can we all get 365% of our invested funds? Normally it’s reasonable to expect this, but not for everyone all at the same time. This is comparable to everyone going to the bank to withdraw their cash. If this happens, the bank will run out. Our top priority is to make sure that… 1) People who have reinvested into the system will exit v1 with a profit which they can continue to build on in v2. 2) People who entered v1 late will be compensated if they have not made back their initial deposit. To achieve this, we will start by lowering the max payout to 80% of the Deposits amount. Why? Because the amount labeled “Deposits” includes actual deposits (funds you invested into MDT) + reinvestment (which require no further funds from you). In this situation, if you deposited $100 and reinvested every day till your Deposits value was $150, then your max payout would now be $120. When the transition begins, you can withdraw every day until you have exited v1 of My Diamond Team with a small profit (and move it into v2 to make a bigger one). If instead you just deposited without reinvesting, then the amount in Deposits is what you directly invested, and an 80% Max Payout means you will have lost 20% of your investment. When you move to v2, we will resolve that by making manual adjustments to compensate you with funds from transaction fees. This will not happen on Day 1, but as funds build up. Won’t this guy keep resetting our balances so we can’t do this? He might keep at it for a while, and we do recommend claiming more often as a way to bypass the problem. HOWEVER, it’s important to note that every time he does this, he’s spending a small amount of gas money, betting that we’re going to give up and pay him to stop this annoyance. Guess what? Of course we’re not. And as frustrating and annoying as it can be for him to do this, any time it happens you can feel some satisfaction knowing that it’s costing him money that he won’t get back from us. Again, we want to emphasize that our users are our top priority, and through this we will emerge with a stronger protocol and an even stronger community. This truly is a labor of love, and we thank you all for helping us to help you in this situation.

Last updated